

Team FARA in 2 RAAM Headline Stories

Team FARA and supportors were profiled today in the RAAM headline stories and Mary Caruso and Felicia DeRosa also were featured in an article on keeping up Team morale (I personally can't think of two better people for that job!).

Check out these stories!

(scroll down the homepage for headline stories)


Unknown said...

Great media coverage! I agree with you Jen - Mary and Felicia rock!! Thanks for taking such good care of everyone you two!

Mrs. Lie said...

Mary & Felicia, you guys are so fun! I remember Mary convincing some guy in the gun store to help Beth down the stairs (to get to the little girls room), and then she told him "you are going to be some terrific catch for a lucky girl". I love the cake, the hearts, and the glow sticks!!