

Saturday Challenge

At the beginning of the ride Kyle announced a goal of 1000 visits to the blog in a single day. We have gotten close... we have 920 visits in a day and we have had >2600 unique visitors but we have not had 1000 visits in a day.

As the team races through Ohio and West Virginia on Saturday lets see if we can get people to give up their chores and check out the blog.

Goal: 1000 visits to the blog on Saturday!


Unknown said...

Just read about the rain and the lightning on the horizon. Stay safe on your journey. Keep it up; we're all rooting for you!!!

Anonymous said...

We lit a candle at church for each of you. I prayed that you will have continued strength and many blessings. You all inspire me. Thank you for all your hard work

Spinner said...

You KNOW I'll be passing it on! Be safe, God speed, your almost there! Go spin Go!

Anonymous said...

Go team FARA.

La Tortue de Fer

Unknown said...

Kyle and FARA team.
Keep riding safe and strong.

We are all at home sleeping for you so you can put your full efforts toward the goal.

Catrike Speed #15
Atlantic Beach Florida

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see you in Annapolis....