Team FARA members are running, walking, biking and swimming for FA research around the world. While they are geographically dispersed, Team FARA is united with the same goal: to draw attention to FA through acts of physical endurance and to support the advancement of FA research towards treatments and a cure for FA.
Blanchester, Ohio....we're not positive where these signs came from, but we appreciate them nonetheless!! Maybe that support ran out of waiting time? Who knows. Thank you secret operatives of Blanchester! Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
The signs were made by Travis Sexton from Hillsboro, OH, an individual with FA. He only has health care providers during the week, so could not get there on Saturday AM. They made the signs during the week and put them out on Friday for you, hoping you'd see them. Thank you, Travis!!!!!
The signs were made by Travis Sexton from Hillsboro, OH, an individual with FA. He only has health care providers during the week, so could not get there on Saturday AM. They made the signs during the week and put them out on Friday for you, hoping you'd see them. Thank you, Travis!!!!!
GO spin Go Team Fara!
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