

Tappin' the Rockies

Our cold activated cans are a piercing cobalt blue - Current temp is a frigid 33 degrees (it is the Rockies)The fourth day has begun, and so has our steepest climb (up to 10,800 feet). 


Unknown said...

You all are an inspiration. My hope is that each mile you ride we are closer to a cure for this condition. My son is 13 and has FA

Unknown said...

Wow, what can I say to go from 100degree to 60's and that high up, just amazing.

jdv said...

At-a baby its a boy!

Unknown said...

You guys are amazing - congratulations on making it past the 1000 mile mark!!

mattfritsch said...

Congrats on making it to the top Team FARA! Gravity is finally your ally, enjoy the ride and the well deserved coasting time! You are now in prime position to finish well above the 14mph requirement.


Bart Rupel said...

Keep cranking. Go team go! Wish I was there with you.

Unknown said...

Go team FARA! You're doing great. We're keeping close tabs on you.

Spinner said...

Keep a-spinning Boys - if it was to easy I'd be right there with ya. Then again, I do like the 'cooler' temps myself;)

Blair DeSaw said...

Great Picture - Ride On!