

Race Day

My alarm just went off but I have been awake for a couple hours. Heart
racing, butterflies flying, I gotta save some of this energy for the
race (don't worry there's plenty more where that came from).

I am grateful for our dedicated crew who has been up for a couple
hours making final preparations.

This morning we will walk through rider exchanges in the parkinglot
and then the race starts at 2pm!


Blair DeSaw said...

We wish you a safe, adventurous, and successful ride! Thanks for what you and the team are doing. We will be following your journey. Best wishes to all of you!

Anonymous said...

Go Team! Thinking of all of you - team and crew - and wishing you the best! Looking for that Team FARA icon to start moving east!

Hopkins Family
Quinebaug, Ct.

Karen said...

We wish you were there to send you off! Be safe.

Spinner said...

Like 'Blair', make it a safe, adventurous, successful RACE!
And 'Hopper' Go TEAM FARA!!!
Dido 'Karen's' reply Wish I was there!

But most of all, remember the cause - Awareness!
God Speed & endurance!!!