Team FARA members are running, walking, biking and swimming for FA research around the world. While they are geographically dispersed, Team FARA is united with the same goal: to draw attention to FA through acts of physical endurance and to support the advancement of FA research towards treatments and a cure for FA.
> That's RAAM code for time station -Sean is cruising. We're just over > three hours in, so far so good - Sheriff Gore runs a tight ship. The > glass elevator is coming up...
Got you on the tracking map. You guys are covering some ground. Looks like you're about out of the mountains and headed for the desert - at 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
tight ship - the things you'll learn & HEAR FROM HIM! ;)
keep up the good work!
Got you on the tracking map. You guys are covering some ground. Looks like you're about out of the mountains and headed for the desert - at 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
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