


We are leaving in the morning.  It's hard to believe this is actually happening!

Up at 430, leave the house by 545, Breakfast and sendoff at Nugget with friends, family and supporters (pictures, I promise).  Then we are off on a 9 hour drive down to Oceanside for the final preparations for the race!

Mike M and I set up our phones to be able to post to the blog so you may see some shorter posts and there may be a little bit of a trial period as we try out the new posting method.

One last thing before I attempt to calm down and get some sleep...I just checked the analytics for this blog and today we got more hits than ever in one day (190), granted this blog is young but the point is that we want that number to keep going up!  We are not pushing donations as much with this race, more than money we want people to hear about the cause and this crazy adventure.  This is an opportunity to help the cause without writing a check.  So please take this opportunity and instead of reaching into your wallet reach into your address book and send this link along to as many people as you think might find it interesting.  Lets send the hit count through the roof!  I am setting our team goal (you are part of the team) at 1,000 hits in one day.  That seems a little high but lets think big!  I will try to keep you posted periodically on the hit count and I promise to try to keep the blog exciting, entertaining and up to date.

Good Night.

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