

Team Tri 4 Gracie -Team Member Megaera Regan

Two years ago I found out that my friend's daughter  had been diagnosed with FA.  Hopper and I have known each other since we were teenagers at camp.  He and my brother, Phil, (also a member of Team Tri 4 Gracie), were tent mates for years at Camp Acadia, while I attended the sister camp, OLL, in the '70's and '80's.  Since 1992 a group of us have gone camping once a year near our old camp grounds in the Catskills.  We have gotten to know each others' children during these time.  It was heartbreaking to hear about Gracie's diagnosis -- we had known her since she was a toddler.

Hopper told us about FARA, and his own fundraising endeavors.  This got our wheels turning.  Since we ourselves were just getting into triathlons, why not attempt to raise money and awareness at the same time?  Gracie and Hopper hold very special places in our hearts, and we want to do anything we can to help.  This year, we plan to dedicate all of our triathlon's to Gracie, and hope to raise $2000 for Team FARA.  Please support us in this quest! Click Here for Team Tri 4 Gracie Fundraising Page

Our itinerary, to date:

June 17th -- Long Island Gold Coast Triathlon (Long Island, NY)
July 15th -- Mossman Sprint Triathlon (Norwalk, Ct.)
August 5th -- Niantic Bay Triathlon (Niantic, CT
August 26th -- Park City Mossman Triathlon (Bridgeport, Ct.)
September  8th -- Dave Parcells Madison Triathlon (Madison, CT)
September  16th -- Hammerfest Triathlon (Branford, Ct)

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